A question that is almost always trending online is, “how can I make legit money online?” In the age of technology comes a number of ‘get rich quick schemes’ as well as a number of scams.

But what if I told you it is actually possible to make money online!

Are you a high energy person? Do you enjoy sharing your knowledge with others? Are you always looking for things to do in your free time? Teaching online can give you freedom to pick your hours, as well as make some cash. It is utilized by many as a legitimate side hustle.

But just how does one bust into the world of online teaching?

Let’s talk requirements….

  • Some companies require a bachelors degree in some sort of field, or to be enrolled in a university to complete a bachelors. (This is especially the case for teaching in regions like China.) However, this is not always the case. I haves worked for more than one company that has said a bachelors degree is a requirement, however, many are willing to bypass this when there is a need for teachers, ESPECIALLY if you come with experience! Don’t let seeing that requirement stop you from applying. You will never land a job you shy away from applying from.
  • Some companies require a TESOL/TEFL certificate. Even the ones that don’t however, will pay you more per hour for the most part if you do have one. Its a win-win to get it! Many shy away when they hear this, thinking they need to go back to college. However, you can easily obtain a TESOL certificate online in a reasonable time frame. (See my post on how to obtain a certificate here.)
  • A decent computer. You don’t need a high end gaming computer to be hired, just one with enough RAM to be able to keep the video feed going without your computer lagging. Every company has different standards, but check each companies site, and then check your computer specifications to see if it is a match. On windows 8/10, go to “file explorer,” then “this PC,” and then right click and hit “properties,” this will bring a list of all your computers specs.
  • Internet. It is rather hard to work online if you aren’t… you know. Online. Usually a company will ask that your internet is between 5MBPS download, and 300MBPS. To check on this, go to http://www.speedtest.net/
  • A headset. While your compter does come stock with speakers and a microphone, they are not ideal for working on a computer. It is recommended and usually required by each and every company that you have a headset with a mic attached. This makes your atmosphere more distraction free for you, and also makes it easier for your students to hear you. (See a list of headset recommendations that won’t break that bank.)
  • Depending on the company you decide to teach with you may need teaching materials. I will have teaching materials being uploaded in the days to come. Many companies give you what they want you to teach, but many companies like Cambly and Preply allow you freedom to choose what you would like to teach which requires some planning.

How much can I expect to make teaching online?

Can I up and quit my job and teach full time? Perhaps not- unless you are willing to devote a lot of time to teaching. The reason I say this is that many companies teaching during peak hours- meaning you only have a finite amount of time you can teach during the day. For example, most Chinese companies which pay very well are targeted towards teaching children after their school hours. Because of this, you can only teach during their peak hours of 6-9 PM Bejing time.

That being said, more and more companies are coming out that you can set your own hours and your own salary. So if your dream is to persue this as a full time gig, it is definitely possible, but requires time to market yourself and build up your experience. (See my tips on how to market yourself as an English teacher here.)

For a first time teacher, expect to make anywhere from $10-$20 an hour to start. More experienced teachers can make $25+, depending on what kind of classes they teach and to whom they teach.

How do I get started teaching online if I do not have any experience?

No doubt jumping into something that you’ve never done before can seem daunting. It can also seem full of unknowns. Can I actually do this? What if I fail? Would I even make a good teacher?

I promise you if a shy,anxious girl like me can do it, so can you.

But if you don’t have any experience, how can you begin to gain experience and gain students?

There is a competitive market for teaching happening online right now. At the beginning of online ESL learning, there were only a handful of companies to choose from. However, so many more companies have arisen in recent years that accept beginner teachers like you!

Click HERE for a list of companies where you can log in and start earning!

Is becoming an ESL teacher worth it?

The answer to this question depends much upon you. Like I said at the outset- this isn’t a get rich quick scheme. It does take some time and effort to market yourself and get yourself hired. However, if you enjoy sharing what you know with others and are looking to pay down debts or earn some extra spending money, teaching is a very enjoyable option. One huge benefit is that it’s never the same thing. When you’re teaching different backgrounds, personalities and subjects, there is never a dull moment.

Do you think teaching online is worth it? Comment your feelings below!